Boy Wonder
Feature Film: Drama
Inspired by a true story, BOY WONDER follows a young boy with a debilitating and strange illness, a famous Bollywood producer and an Indian-Canadian doctor as their lives intersect in a magical tale of loves lost and won and the magic of cinema.
Story by: Alfons Adetuyi
BOY WONDER follows a young boy with a debilitating illness and a famous Bollywood producer as their lives intersect in the magic of cinema. Although disfigured, this confident Indian boy can do a spot on James Cagney and dreams of becoming a Bollywood star. He gets his big break from a failing Bollywood director who is being chased by Mumbai mobsters who want back the millions that they have invested. Looking behind the curtain of Bollywood filmmaking we discover a determined group of artists who strive to do the impossible, uncovering layers of adventure, magic and ultimately, true love.